The grammar translation method formerly known as : the classical method; in the teaching of classic languages: Latin and Greek ( Chastain 1988 ). It purpose was to help student read and appreciate foreign language literature, and hoped that students become more familiar with their grammar of their native language through the study of the target language.
The students read a passage entitled “The Boys’ Ambition” by Mark Twain’s life on the Mississippi. Each student reads a few line and then translate what they have read into Spanish. The teacher gives them new vocabulary items. After finish reading and translating the passage, they are asked about their question in Spanish. For example: If one said : “What is paddle wheel? ”, the teacher replies : : Es una rueda de paletas”.
When the students have no questions, they will be asked to answer the comprehension questions at the end of the excerpt in English as well. The first question is taken as the example and it is discussed together but after that, the students will work all by their selves.
In addition, they have to answer in two types of questions. The first type is based on their understanding of the passage and the second one is related to their behavior or experience around the passage’s link. After that, the teacher guides in Spanish and students check their works. If the answer is correct, the lesson goes on but if it doesn’t, another student will be asked to help.
Listing is the next. Some words are taken from the passage, such as: ‘ambition’, ‘wharf’, etc and the students must name them in Spanish and contrary, some in English like: ‘love’, ‘noisy’, and ‘ugly’ must be matched with their opposite from the passage.
Cognates is: English words that look like Spanish words. Those in English which ended by ‘-ty’ in Spanish ended by ‘-dad’ and ‘-tat’. Example: possibility become possibilidad
The next section is deal with grammar. They review a description of two word or phrasal verbs. The new words that aren’t found in the passage must be translated into Spanish first.
The rule: If the two-word verb is separable, the direct object may come between the verb and its article. If the direct object is a pronoun, separation is necessary.
Ex : Jhon put away his book
Jhon put his book away are true
Other example : Jhon put away it
The teacher went the homework over are wrong
After reading over the clue and examples: students are asked to determined which words are separable and inseparable.
And to remain this week lesson, the students will be asked to:
1. Write out the translation of the reading passage into Spanish
2. State the rule for the use of direct object with 2 word verbs
3. Do the remaining exercise in the chapter with one set of irregular past participle forms
4. write their ambitions in target language
5. Memorize the vocabulary
6. Take a quiz on the grammar and vocabulary
1. The goal of teacher who use Grammar-Translation Method is: to be able to read literature written I the target language. In this part, students need to learn about the grammar rules and vocabulary of the target language.
2. The role of the teacher is: the authority in the classroom
The role of the students is: obey the teacher’s rule
3. Some characteristics of learning process is:
-Students are taught to translate from one language to others
-Students study grammar deductively
-Students learn grammatical paradigms like: verb conjunction
-Students memorize native language as well the target language vocabulary
4. The nature of the student-teacher interaction is : the most in the classroom while the nature of student-student interaction is little
5. The feelings of the students deal with : no principles of the methods are related to this area
6. The language viewed is : literary is considered superior to spoken language meanwhile culture is viewed as consisting of literature and the fine arts
7. Vocabulary and Grammar are areas of language emphasized. And on the other hand, in language skills : reading and writing are the primary work on the students
8. The role of the students’ native language:
Native language is the language that used in the most, because the meaning of target language will be clear if it translated into students’ native language
9. The evaluation is accomplished by : written test where students are asked to translate from their native to target language or vice versa. Also : questions about the target culture / grammar rules application.
10. The teacher responds the students error by : having the students get the correct answer
• Translation of a literary passage
Translate a passage from the target language into native language . It focus on vocabulary and grammatical structures. The passages excerpt some particular grammar rules and vocabulary.
• Reading Comprehension
Students answer questions in target language based on their understanding of the passage. First group asking for information contained within the passage . Second group has to make inferences based on their understanding and the third group relates the passage to their own experience
• Antonym / Synonym
A set of words are given to be found either the synonym or the antonym from the passage
• Cognates
By learning the spelling or sound patterns that correspond between the languages. Memorize words that look like cognates but the meaning is different in native and target language
• Deductive application of rule
Grammar rules are presented with examples, including the excerption to each rules.
• Fill the blank
This is presented like games. Students are given series of sentences with words missing. And they have to fill them in with such vocabulary items like : preposition or verbs
• Memorization
Students are asked to memorize list of target language vocabulary list include grammatical rules and paradigms
• Use words in sentence and Composition
After learn words in phrasal verbs, they are asked to combine it into sentence then give them a topic to write about based on some aspect of the passage in the target language.
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